Simple but Brilliant


Offering a variety of skills:







My Projects:

These are Random projects showcasing my skills :

Python Virtual Assisstant

This is a virtual assisstant with a simple Graphical User Interface. Written in Python 3.7 and is and always open source.It uses the wikipedia and wolfaramalpha module.It also has text-to-speech functionality i.e it gives voice output.

Virtual Assisstant python code

This Website!

Yes this website is also a testament of my skills in which I made it from scratch using bootstrap-4, HTML5, and CSS. And like always the code used for this website is also free open-source.

HTML5 files CSS3 files

Gmail Automation Script

This simple script was truly an exciting one to create where it uses python's 3rd party module Selenium. It also uses Chrome driver. Note That this a console application you need to have selenium installed and chrome driver in order for this to work.

Gmail Automation python code

VLC Musicplayer Automation Script

This is in conjuction in with my Virtual Assisstant program where thorugh voice input you'll be able to open, close, skip, backplay, pause, play.Moreover it even gives voice output!. Note that it was optimized for my laptop so you would need to tweak it a little and if you need any help don't be afraid to email me.

VLC Musicplayer Automation Script

Terminal Hacker game

This was made using the course the complete C# developer unity 3D. This was my first game made by the unity game engine. It uses basic C# and commands provided by the instructors.

Terminal Hacker Game

Media Player Automation

Finally after alot of googling I made progress this is better version of my VLC media automation script where you needed to wait and can't do anything while the GUI automation takes control, so rather than controlling the GUI I simulate the keyboard so utlizing the pause/play, fast, and back button I control the default media player and the other players with voice input. Note that there are still little kinks but the core program works also run this while the media is open this is for the default media player and for the other media players there window must be the current window moreover use the python 3.6 interpreter as pyaudio does not support 3.6+ versions.



This was a thinker, this program extracts all the emails that have sent you an email in which it extracts them and saves them in an excel file.For this to work you need to do some tweaks for your gmail accounts in which you need to turn on access for less secure apps(don't worry link is with the Gback link).Furthermore it takes time like 14 - 24 min depending from since do you want to save the emails.Moreover for right now do this once,further developement is needed, if you want to back up again......which you'll do obviously! Anyways here's the link to my code on my github, till then happy typing!!!

How to enable less secure apps for your gmail account.


Wow haven't updated this in a while but it's never too late. Well this was an exciting endevour I always wanted to make an "App" of sorts to directly download from youtube and so I did that. Learnt many things got back on to the GUI train(Thank you tkinter stackOverflow community!) and for the 1st time: A complete build. That is fully executable straight outta the box

Ydownload Github Link


A great big shout to my seniors/sensei's: Zubaria Ayub, Gullsher Hussain Khan, and Taha Firoz who have greatly helped me in this project and in my life in general not only they're great people but epic coders do check em out / contact them! Zubaria's email: Gullsher's email: Taha's Github


This was a fun one, after learning some intermediate javascript, I started working on node.js made a basic chat app. After that though fell under rut, university finally getting to me. Nonetheless I went on got a course on Udmey to refine my skills and understand Node a bit more, The instructor taught us to make this in the first section which was cool af because I never used JSON, so that was a first. Right now this a basic CLI app but have plans for a GUI Interface so stay tuned febbas. Well till then happy typing!

NoteApp Github Link


After making the CLI version I quickly got around to making the frontend and it took more time than I expected as my design sense is me banging my head on a wall thinking of a nice responsive minimalist design. However after weeks of brainstorming and doing the good ol' google fu finally made something I'm proud of. Hope you guys like it and as always happy typing!

Noter Github Link See it live


Tasker is my first REST API which was a great learning experience as learnt about headers, protocols, authentication, relations between models, and about the REST API. Furthermore this was my first time learning on NoSQL databases which was really great although mongoose's documentation did try confuse me a bit. This was completely back end but will integrate this Noter as I keep on treking on this Node course. Till then guys happy typing!

Tasker Github Link

Dodge em all!

This was my first time using C++ practically which was a great change of pace, learnt alot about game design and development an area of great interest but also a steep amount struggle nonethe less it was worth it! Check it out for yourselves and give feedback!. Till then guys happy typing!

Note: this is linux based game so please play on it! NotesApp Github Link